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Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Liu Jianchao's Comments on Albania's acception of five East Turkistan Islamic Movement suspects detained in Guantanamo
2006-05-09 00:00

At the request of the U.S., Albania accepted 5 Chinese nationals detained in Guantanamo Bay. The five people are not refugees, but the terrorist suspects of East Turkistan Islamic Movement. ETIM is one of the international terrorist forces, closely involved with Al-Qaida and Taliban. ETIM has been enlisted in the by the 1267 Committee under UN Security Council. These suspects should be repatriated to China.

The practice of the U.S. and Albania is a serious violation of the international law and UN Security Council's resolution. We expressed our strong dissatisfaction and resolute opposition, and lodged solemn representation with the two countries requesting for the early repatriation of the suspects.

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